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3 Sure-fire Ways to Save Time, Stress & Money on Your Divorce

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    Joy Rosenthal

    Compassionate Attorney - Divorce Mediator & Educator. I help people face divorce with confidence & clarity through so they can save $ and time for themselves & their families.

    Nice to meet you. Who am I?

    My name is Joy S. Rosenthal, Esq. I’m a compassionate lawyer and divorce mediator based in New York City. I’ve been practicing family law for over 25 years, and I’ve helped hundreds of people just like you. I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t work in divorce–and I want you to know. Spend an hour with me and you’ll leave with clear, actionable steps to make your divorce process easier on you and on your kids. Your participation is confidential, but you’ll have a chance to ask questions.

    I’ll also let you know how you can work with me going forward if you want to. (For less than that price of one lawyer’s billable hour, you can have access to me for 8 weeks!) I promise you'll get a lot out of this workshop and I can't wait to meet you!

    When you watch this workshop, you will learn:

    • The 4 questions everyone needs to answer when going through a divorce
    • A simple strategy to lower attorney’s fees
    • How you can avoid a heated court battle
    • and more...